Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Just An Update

<FujiFilm X100, ISO 200, F/2, 1/600sec>

246. That's the number of days between my last blog and today. That's approximately 8 months, 35 weeks, 5904 hours, or 354240 minutes. The main reason for such a long vacay from blogging? My life got substantially busier and it gave me more excuses to stop me from sitting down and writing. I say excuse because I know there is always a time I can make if I will it.

But it's also the truth that quite a bit has happened this year for me. To name a few not necessarily in chronological order:  been to a zoo in the states for the first time, been to Yosemite for the first time, set up my own photography website (www.q-photographs.com), got into the "professional" side of the business and shot engagement/wedding.family portraits/events photos, my photo was published in the special edition for B&W magazine, sprained an ankle in the midst of a photoshoot which impaired me for a few good weeks, bought a new camera that I have been eyeing on for a long time, met some new people, parted with some acquaintances, and so forth.

Probably such happenings are normal for some people in a span of 8 months. But it has been quite a busy 8 months for someone like me. What am I most proud from the period? Well, actually I would rather keep that one to myself. So let me rephrase. What am I second-most proud from the period? The fact that I never really stopped taking photos. In the span, I have taken about 13,000 clicks. So if I do a simple math, I was taking one photo every 30 minutes approximately. Hopefully I will find, I mean I will MAKE time to share the stories behind some of those photos on this blog going forward. Thanks to Jessica for reminding me that someone actually still read this blog and for rejuvenating my motivation to continue.

The shot above was taken less than a week ago during the routine afternoon walk. Year is almost passed and it's the autumn again. It was taken with FujiFilm Finepix X100 which I acquired about a month and a half ago. I am definitely having fun with this little superman. Will share my review on the camera another time.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


<Nikon D80>

Got a voice mail early in the morning. I checked it on my way to work. It was from one of my friends from elementary school. He said one of our mutual friends passed away last week. For about an hour after, I was just staring at the monitor with total blankness in my mind. 

I haven't met or talked to him directly since elementary school, which was more than 20 years ago. I heard about how he is doing through other friends sporadically. He got married and became the father of two. 

Our shared memory might be small compared to all the life events that we have been through individually. But those memories are still imprinted in my brain, which is probably why his parents told another friend at the funeral that they still remember me.

Rest in peace, my friend. Rest in peace.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Oscar Statuette

<Nikon D700, ISO 200, F/8, 1/250sec>
In time for 84th academy awards on Sunday. 
Can't see it? 
Look harder.
Oh. There was no manipulation with the photo other than white balance change.

Credit goes to Ed H. for discovering humanly figure first and then my mom who specifically mentioned Oscar.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

How I got into photography

<Photograph by Eddie Adams. February 1st 1968 in Saigon>
<Nikon D700, ISO4000, F/4.5, 1/60sec>

A number of people has asked me. "What got you into photography?" 

Two photos above can basically sum it up.

Top one is probably recognized by tens of millions of people if not more. An iconic image which arguably fueled the anti vietnam-war movement in the states. I saw this photo when I was in high school. I was browsing through some coffee table book on photojournalism, which consisted of lots of images that I had never experienced before. Most of them were on the brutal reality around the world. Out of all those images, this one struck me the most. There was really no judgement on the photo at that time. It was just a pure shock to the brain and such intense stimulus never went away and stayed in my subconscious.

Second one is my dad's camera. I still remember how excited he was when he first got it more than two decades ago. Due to his busy work, he never got to really use it much. Years after he passed away, I took the camera out and started playing with it to see if I can learn how to use it. But drawback of film camera is you can't see what you take right away and by the time they are developed, you kinda forget what the setting was. And I was brave (and stupid) enough to use it at my sister's graduation and nothing came out. So my journey started. Bought my first dslr, took a class, and never stopped taking picture since. This camera is not working at the moment but I want to get it fixed one day start taking films again.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year Resolution

<Nikon D80, ISO1000, F/1.4, 1/40sec>
One of my new year resolutions for 2012 is to stop smoking until 8/31/2012. When I mentioned this to a few of my friends, most of the responses was it was the weirdest resolution they've heard. 

I started smoking since I was in 3rd year in middle school in Korea. Holy S... That's 21 years ago. Still remember the first inhale very clearly. One evening after school, walking down a back alley, offered by a friend, trying to man up, I was acting as if I had done it many times before. Without releasing any into the air, I actually inhaled all of it. Well, I ended up puking quietly later that evening. Why quietly? Didn't want my parents to find out.

Since then, I was never a heavy smoker. Sporadically I even stopped smoking for a prolonged period as long as 3 years. But throughout all these years, I never committed to quitting for good. I will rather take a break from it here and there. As much as I whine when I go hiking at mission peak, I still very much enjoy smoking.

So what's my solution? In 2011, I stopped smoking from Jan to Jun. This year it's from Jan to Aug. Next year Jan to Oct. In 2014, it will be from Jan to Dec. Then hopefully it will be perpetual from there. Another reason why the world can't end this year. =P

For all the ones out there going cold turkey, I admire your determination and support you 100%. Good luck to everyone and myself!