Tuesday, February 28, 2012


<Nikon D80>

Got a voice mail early in the morning. I checked it on my way to work. It was from one of my friends from elementary school. He said one of our mutual friends passed away last week. For about an hour after, I was just staring at the monitor with total blankness in my mind. 

I haven't met or talked to him directly since elementary school, which was more than 20 years ago. I heard about how he is doing through other friends sporadically. He got married and became the father of two. 

Our shared memory might be small compared to all the life events that we have been through individually. But those memories are still imprinted in my brain, which is probably why his parents told another friend at the funeral that they still remember me.

Rest in peace, my friend. Rest in peace.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Oscar Statuette

<Nikon D700, ISO 200, F/8, 1/250sec>
In time for 84th academy awards on Sunday. 
Can't see it? 
Look harder.
Oh. There was no manipulation with the photo other than white balance change.

Credit goes to Ed H. for discovering humanly figure first and then my mom who specifically mentioned Oscar.