Sunday, November 27, 2011


<Nikon N90S Kodak 400 ISO B&W film>
How satisfied are you with your communication with other people?
Do you feel all your message is conveyed to others @ 100%?

Often feel that what I am trying to mean doesn't get interpreted in the same way in spoken words.
And at first I thought it was because English isn't my mother language or because I haven't pushed myself enough to master the language. 

Call me old fashioned but I definitely believe that written words can be more trustworthy than spoken words. However, I have learned that sometimes a simple gesture or a body language can convey the message much clearer and faster than spoken or written words.

Or even a photograph sometimes can be a better way of all.

We are all living in the world of flood. Flood of information every second. And as a recipient, please be patient and try to really listen to what they are trying to say before you dismiss them as noise. Such a skill - a skill to be able to hear people out patiently - will become scarce sooner or later and will need to be taught in classes. How to listen to others 101.  Sad but true I believe.

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